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Do you have Radiator Corrosion?

28 Apr, 2014

Technical Guide - Radiator Corrosion

Mechanical and chemical deteriation of the radiator's tubes and header plates lead to holes & cracks in the core.


Engine Cooling system not being completely flushed out prior to fitting a new raditaor. This includes the engine block, heater system and overflow bottle.

Mizing of different coolants.

Contamination of the coolant via an additive.


Severely reduced corrosion protection.

Tubes become weak and brittle, eventually developing holes and cracks.

Reduction in cooling performance and efficiency, leading to conditions such as overheating.

Loss of coolant.


Regular service of cooling system.

Use manufacturer's recommended coolant.

Adequate flushing of cooling system during coolant change.

Top up your cooling system with the same pre-mix currently in your car. Ask your cooling specalist for it.


For more information, contact your local representative today!

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