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Electrical Compressors for Hybrid vehicles now available

7 Apr, 2014

CoolDrive Distribution have a comprehensive range of electric compressors which are all featured in the NEW 2014 Air Conditioning Catalogue.

2 Types of electric compressors are commonly used in Hybrid vehicles

•             Electric drive

•             Dual mode - belt driven and electric

Electric compressors provide a flexible solution in locating an A/C compressor. Typically operating voltage varies from vehicle to vehicle, typically in the range of 250V – 300V. The full electric type comprises an electric motor directly coupled to an A/C compressor. The dual mode is restricted to being mounted to the engine. When the vehicle switches from the combustion engine to the electric motor the electromagnetic clutch disengages and the compressors inbuilt electric motor takes over. Both are variable types with displacement ranging from 10% to 100% depending on cooling demand.

Note – Be aware that only the correctly specified POE oils can be used in electric compressors. As the moisture content of PAG’s is higher than POE’s (Ester) use of a PAG in an electric compressor will not only reduce the performance of the compressor but will seriously reduce compressor life. CoolDrive oart number: OG8011 is the correct electric compressor oil.

For more information, contact your local representative today!

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