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Sir Jack Brabham Annex Opens at VHRR Headquarters

31 Mar, 2014

The Victorian Historic Racing Registrar (VHRR) has a close relationship with CoolDrive, with the VHRR using some office space at the CoolDrive Support Office as it’s clubrooms for the club’s regular functions. One recent function however has received nationwide exposure. VHRR patron and three times Formula One World Champion Sir Jack Brabham has been honoured in the opening of the Sir Jack Brabham Annex.

The annex houses his world championship winning Repco Brabham BT19 from 1966 and an extensive trophy collection alongside a wonderful collection of books documenting the brilliant career of Sir Jack.

The opening ceremony held on November 25th received huge national coverage which included a televised message from the Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott who spoke in glowing terms of Sir Jack Brabham’s achievements. Also in attendance to witness a Q&A session with Sir Jack was an impressive line-up of drivers that included John McCormack, Fred and Christine Gibson, Alfredo Costanzo, Reg Hunt, Murray Carter and Alan Hamilton. 

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