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Ron's Auto Electrics, 50 year in the industry!

19 May, 2014

Based in the expanding South Eastern suburb of Dandenong, Victoria, Ron’s Auto Electrics has made a name for itself, servicing predominately passenger and light commercial vehicles in all facets of Automotive Electrics.

Ron Goren, owner of Ron’s Auto Electrics has quite a history in the Automotive Industry spanning 50 years which was recently recognised by CoolDrive CEO John Blanchard when Ron was presented with a framed Certificate of Service. This certificate now proudly sits on the front counter of Ron’s workshop.

Ron commenced his apprenticeship in Turkey in 1963 with a small one man business. There were no apprenticeship commissions or employment contracts in those days so Ron simply left school and went to work!

In the coming years Ron saw brief service with the Turkish Military and commenced work at a Volkswagen Bosch Service Dealership. However big changes were ahead for Ron, as he moved to Australia in 1976.

Arriving in Sydney, Ron worked with one of his relatives gaining more experience in a Sydney based Automotive Electrical shop before moving to Dandenong in 1999 and establishing Ron’s Auto Electrics.

Not long after establishing his own business, Ron began a lasting relationship with CoolDrive. He still remembers, Hallam Branch Manager David Pude visiting him when David first started as a new Sales representative with CoolDrive.

Now serviced by Hallam Sales Representatives Stuart Monteath and Daniel Cove, Ron says he still enjoys dealing with CoolDrive as they “have a wide range of product, great pricing with reliable deliveries and service”.

Ron has been mostly a “one man” operator, although he has worked alongside his son for several years and currently has no immediate plans to leave his trade just yet. As Ron explains “there is still great demand for skilled tradesmen on modern vehicles”.

Ron enjoys his trade and living in Australia and has been heavily involved in his local community, supporting many community based charities. Ron’s enthusiasm is always great to see and that is why everyone at CoolDrive who deals with Ron thoroughly enjoys it.

You can find Ron at Factory 6/41 Bennett St, Dandenong or contact him on 03 9793 3990.

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