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Direct Drive Assemblies - DL Pulley

26 May, 2014

With the introduction of variable displacement compressors (to improve overall fuel and power consumption, acceleration performance and clutch on/off shock), the need for a conventional on/off clutch has been eliminated.

Under normal operation the compressor hub, damper and pullet rotates as one. If the compressor locks, creating an excessive load, the "limiter" breaks allowing the pullet only to rotate, protecting the vehicle drive belt.

Damper and limiter pullets (DL Pulleys) consist of 3 parts and replace the traditional "magnetic clutch".

1 Pulley

The pulley has an internal bearing and received motive force from the vehicles drive belt

2 Damper

The damper joins the pulley to the hub and absorbs variations in compressor torque

3 Hub

The hub transmits power to the compressor. Equipped with a "limiter"



Precautions when replacing a compressor with a "DL Pulley" 

When recharging the refrigerant gas, do not start the engine first - DO NOT OPERATE compressor wthout refrigerant gas. The reason for this is when equiped with a "DL Pulley", even if the A/C switch is OFF, once the engine is started the compressor also starts to rotate. If the compressor operates with no refrigerant, therefore insufficient lubricant, internal failure will occur.


For more information, contact your local representative today!

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