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CoolDrive's Annual Branch Managers Conference & Awards

8 Sep, 2014

The 2014 Branch Manager’s conference was recently held in Cairns, which was a great opportunity to look at ways to further improve the CoolDrive product range and service to our customer base.

The highlight though, was the black tie awards dinner held on the last night of the conference. As tradition there were a number of light hearted awards, one of these winners included Gerald van der Hout (CoolDrive Sydney) for best dressed.

The main awards every branch wanted to win however were the awards for ‘outstanding achievement’. The 2014 winners were Darwin, Toowoomba and Newcastle, accepted by the respective branch managers, Dallas Smith, Jesse Aherns and Shayne Edmonds.

This is the second time Dallas and his team from Darwin have won the award but for Jesse who has only been the branch manager in Toowoomba for 12 months, the award was a surprise “this has been a team effort from everyone in the Toowoomba branch and couldn’t have been possible with the fantastic support of our customer base in the Toowoomba region”.

Congratulations to the Darwin, Toowoomba and Newcastle branches and customers on your outstanding achievement over the last 12 months. 

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