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CoolDrive Supports Team Swinburne Formula SAE

12 Dec, 2014

CoolDrive are once again proud to be supporting Swinburne University's entry into the 2014 Formula SAE competition. 

Formula SAE-A is an exciting international education program where university students design, build and compete in small open-wheeled vehicles.  Formula SAE graduates worldwide are considered to be among the most work-ready graduates emerging from the university system.

In delivering a fully functioning vehicle, the student teams undertake a full, real-world product development project.  They design, build and test their vehicles, but they also must also attend to the non-technical aspects of a project such as fund-raising, marketing and managing a team of people.  Each team effectively works as a small start-up business, and it is this experience that makes Formula SAE graduates stand apart from their peers.

The teams are scored based on a number of different criteria. Below are the points allocations for the 2014 Formula SAE-A Event.

Static Events Presentation 75
  Design 150
  Cost 100
  Sub Total 325
Dynamic Acceleration 75
  Skid Pad 75
  Autocross 100
  Fuel Efficiency 100
  Endurance 325
  Sub Total 675


Swinburne has once again prepared an electric vehicle that is looking very promising for some great results. If you would like to attend this competition that is hosting universities from around the world, it is being held at Calder Park Raceway in Melbourne from the 11th - 14th December. 

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