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The Amazing 'T' Bucket

10 Oct, 2014

CoolDrive customer, Peter Symens from Symo’s Auto Know in South Australia, recently completed this amazing T Bucket. “I’ve been in the auto business for 45 years so I thought I’d put all my knowledge into a family heirloom for my grandkids” Peter said of the project.

A mobility scooter was the donor vehicle; it's 6 foot long and is powered by the scooter’s electronics. It took Peter 1,216 hours to build, completing the body work by himself in fibreglass. The extractors are 21mm PVC water pipe and the CD player in the back has the true hot-rod sound delivered to two speakers. All the lights work including both high and low beam and it has a remote shut off that Peter carries when he goes cruising with his grandkids.

Well done Peter, we are sure the grandkids love it!

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