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Lithium DC-DC In Vehicle Battery Charger

6 Jul, 2015

CoolDrive is proud to announce a new Redarc DC-DC In-vehicle Battery Charger designed specifically for charging Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) type batteries.

Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries are becoming more popular due to their improved storage capacity relative to size and weight, making them perfect for recreational vehicle power systems.

Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries require specific charging conditions in order to operate correctly and the battery itself must have cell balancing and an in-built battery management system. Redarc have considered this and designed a charging profile to compliment these in-built battery systems.

The chargers come in 25Amp (part number LFP1225 - for battery banks up to 60AH) and 40Amp (part number LFP1240 - for banks above 60AH) models and feature a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) solar regulator, allowing you to
deliver the maximum amount of power from your solar panels to your auxiliary battery. Chargers are also available for vehicles with Variable Voltage Alternators, these chargers feature an “-LV” suffi x as per our BCDC range (LFP1225-LV
or LFP1240-LV).

LFP chargers are suitable for Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries which:

  • Incorporate an inbuilt Battery Management System (BMS)
  • Feature (Active) Cell Balancing
  • Handle a peak voltage level of 14.6V
  • Can accept the current (25A or 40A) supplied by the LFP as stated in the battery manufacturers datasheet.
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