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Kristina Wins Her Way to Vegas

7 Sep, 2015

Kristina Cullimore, an external rep for CoolDrive Distribution, is headed to Las Vegas in November this year for the world’s largest aftermarket parts expo.
Together with CoolDrive colleagues, Queenslanders Jeff Brassington and Darren King, Victorian Kristina won an internal sales promotion which earned them the trip of a lifetime to Las Vegas, which includes an extended visit to SEMA and a trip to the Grand Canyon.
Kristina, a former mechanic and parts interpreter with ten years in the industry, first joined CoolDrive two years ago.
“CoolDrive gave me the chance to try repping about 18 months ago and I just love it,” Kristina Cullimore said.

“I really enjoy the inter-action with the customers, the challenge of selling, and of course the chance to be out there on the road rather than tied to one place.”

Kristina was quick to acknowledge that sometimes it’s not easy being a female in a male world.

“It does get pretty hard at times, especially when you are the new kid, as well as getting seen as just a chick,” Kristina said.
“Some people assume you don't know anything about cars or how they work. But over time you prove yourself and they see you do know a thing or two. That's how I got all the support from my customers. I wouldn't have had much of a chance to win without them!”
Kristina readily admits that while it is tough sometimes, she wouldn’t be doing anything else.
“The automotive industry is all I know. I was a car lover growing up. Spent a bit of time at the drags and every chance I got I was helping mates work on cars, even if it was just holding the torch or passing a spanner.
“Then when things broke on my car I started fixing it myself and decided I wanted to have a stint on the tools after being on the phones and selling the parts. The hands on mechanic stuff definitely helped towards understanding the product I was selling and still sell today.”
Kristina admits she was quick to embrace the CoolDrive SEMA Las Vegas Promotion when it was announced.
“You probably don’t think you would but I definitely worked harder for the incentive. It’s a fantastic promotion but the best thing about it is the support I got from my customers, that was really good and meant I really did put some extra hard work into it.”
And as for her reaction when she heard the news she was off to Vegas?
“I screamed with excitement, then I cried with happiness!
“Going to SEMA will be the biggest milestone of my career.”
CoolDrive Distribution’s Marketing Manager Tim Blanchard was quick to acknowledge that Kristina Cullimore’s success was a reflection of the changing face of the automotive aftermarket industry.
“Kristina’s success is particularly pleasing because it helps smash the stereotype that this is a ‘blokey’ industry that’s tough for a woman to succeed in … her performance in our business is outstanding and she’s a shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
“That’s true too of Jeff and Darren, who certainly also earned their place on the plane to Las Vegas.”
As an external rep, Kristina is out on the road daily representing CoolDrive and visiting its customers

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