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Canberra Wins Branch of the Year

8 Aug, 2016

CoolDrive Canberra has been awarded the W.J. Blanchard Shield after being named CoolDrive Distribution’s Branch of the Year for 2016.
Company founder John Blanchard Snr presented the shield to Darren Power, Canberra’s Branch Manager on the 29th July as part of CoolDrive’s annual Branch Manager’s Awards Dinner.
“It is an absolute honour to have been named CoolDrive’s Branch of the Year for 2016,” Darren Power said.
“My team and I worked extremely hard this year with this goal in mind and every time we look at the shield, we know that it was all worth it.
“Over the next 12 months, we will continue to build the branch further, and perhaps be lucky enough to make it back-to-back wins.”

This year marks the second time the W.J Blanchard Shield – named in honour of the company’s founder – has been presented, with CoolDrive Newcastle taking out the inaugural award in 2015.

“The W.J Blanchard Shield is awarded annually in recognition of outstanding branch performance with the award’s criteria considering sales and margin performance, staff stability, procedures and presentation, amongst a host of other KPIs,” Tim Blanchard, General Manager – Marketing, CoolDrive Distribution said.
“CoolDrive Canberra performed extremely strongly in all of these areas.  Furthermore, over the last 12 months, Darren and his team recorded exceptional sales growth to surpass all budget expectations.
“Darren has been at CoolDrive Canberra since it first opened in 2012 and from its humble beginnings with two staff, he has driven it into a very successful branch with a headcount of eight and more staff coming on board later this year.”
CoolDrive’s Sydney and Launceston branches were named the runners-up for 2016, with their respective branch managers, Gerald Van Der Hout and Cameron Bugg, each receiving Outstanding Achievement Awards.
Over 60 CoolDrive personnel and key suppliers attended the 2016 event, which was held at Baia Restaurant on Sydney’s Darling Harbour.

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