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CoolDrive Enhances Engine Management

3 Jun, 2016

CoolDrive Distribution today announced the acquisition of a specialist division of Automotive Services Solutions.

As of 1 June 2016, the Engine Management Parts Division of Automotive Services Solutions, based in Brisbane, will become part of CoolDrive.
The acquisition includes the electronic repair division, which specialises in the repair of electronic modules, including ECUs, brake controllers and diagnostic tools.
“We welcome the addition of Automotive Services Solutions’ experienced technical staff to Team CoolDrive,” John Blanchard, Managing Director, CoolDrive Distribution said.

“Their expertise in electronic repairs will be great asset to CoolDrive’s service offerings, greatly improving our service level and enhancing our existing engine management program.

“The telephone support staff will be a welcome addition also, as CoolDrive prides itself on having highly experienced sales personnel.
“CoolDrive will bring external representation of the repair service to customers, as well as marketing and logistical support to help build on the existing sales of Automotive Services Solutions.”
This year has seen significant growth for CoolDrive thus far following February’s acquisition of Australian-based AME Products and expansion into New Zealand with the opening of two branches in as many months.
“2016 is shaping up to be one of the biggest in CoolDrive’s history, with more to come,” Mr Blanchard said.
“We have new suppliers coming on board, existing new product on its way and the ongoing expansion of the business in Australia and New Zealand.”

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