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CoolDrive Expands with Logicar Parts Acquisition & Equipment Joint Venture

28 Aug, 2017

CoolDrive has further expanded its operations in automotive parts with the acquisition of Logicar’s engine management spare parts business, effective 2 October.
And at the same time, CoolDrive has acquired a 50 percent stake in the remaining Logicar Equipment and ECU reconditioning business, which will continue to operate as a separate entity in a joint-venture between CoolDrive and the Stillwell Motor Group.

Taking over the engine management spare parts business formerly run by Logicar will further strengthen the CoolDrive operation in this field in the southern states, with four of the Logicar outlets being absorbed in the acquisition.
Additionally, the existing Logicar Hobart outlet will be rebranded as CoolDrive’s 29th branch.
“Acquiring the Logicar engine management parts business is about expanding our offering to the market in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, to bring it to the same level as that we’re already offering in NSW and Queensland,” CoolDrive’s General Manager of Marketing Tim Blanchard said.
“It’s also about capacity … this move will enable us to strengthen our product offering as well as our technical and sales expertise, all of which will enhance our brand.”
“Going forward together with these aspects of the Logicar business makes sense for both joint-venture partners,” Tim Blanchard said.
“It plays to the strengths of both parties … we bring all the logistical hardware and systems you need to run the business efficiently and effectively, while Logicar has the investment in the sales specialists, product knowledge and industry expertise.
“With the new joint-venture, Logicar will now be able to offer its customers CoolDrive’s expertise and areas of speciality new to it, such as the commissioning of automotive air-conditioning equipment.
“It’ll be reciprocal business and jointly we anticipate good growth from both ventures.”
Logicar’s workshop equipment and ECU reconditioning business will remain under that brand, but warehousing, transport and logistics will now be managed by CoolDrive on behalf of the new joint- venture.

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