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CoolDrive Auto Parts - National Distributor for GME Australia

20 Feb, 2017

CoolDrive Auto Parts has recently announced a number of changes in relation to the supply of GME products to the market.

In 2013, Standard Communications (GME) took the decision to consolidate its Australian State-based warehouses into two main Distribution Centre’s, Sydney and Perth. These changes worked exceptionally well in most respects, however regrettably resulted in some cases to longer shipping times and lower service levels to our smaller volume dealers, particularly those in regional and remote locations.

After a thorough review of their way to market by a new management team, GME has opted to appoint CoolDrive Auto Parts as a national distributor for the GME branded marine and CB radio product range effective 9th February 2017.

GME customers can now expect the same competitive pricing but an improved service level by supply from CoolDrive’s 29 locations throughout Australia and New Zealand. It is expected delivery of stock will improve with the utilization of CoolDrive’s extensive distribution network.

GME and CoolDrive Auto Parts have worked closely together in reaching this deal and while some minor issues are inevitable are confident that stock and pricing levels will match if not exceed previous experiences.

CoolDrive Auto Parts are also excited to have access to the new range of digital radios, radio communication equipment, microphones, antennas, emergency beacons, marine electronics coming out as well as a whole new range of products for mining and agricultural applications that work via digital phones etc.

CoolDrive Auto Parts is delighted to be able to work with GME and be at the forefront of these advancements.

View the full range of GME Auto Electrical Accessories on iShop!

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