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Tasmania Friday Recap

6 Apr, 2018


Practice One

Position: 25th – 51.8327s

Fastest: Shane Van Gisbergen – 50.7894s

Practice Two

Position: 26th – 51.4314s

Fastest: Jamie Whincup – 50.5609s

“It was a big learning day here in Tasmania. We trialled a few things with the new car and found a couple of braking issues throughout the day. We have a bit of work to do tonight, but I think we will be heading towards the right direction tomorrow. All three BJR cars tried different things at various stages through the day, so we’ll regroup tonight, go through the data and see what we can come up with for tomorrow.”
“We’re into the first qualifying sessions tomorrow, the new format sees the bottom 16 cars from todays practice sessions get a ten-minute session. The top 6 from this go into the second session, which will include the top ten cars from todays practice sessions. Once the second ten-minute session is complete, the top ten from this group go into the third and final ten-minute session. This will determine the final grid places.”
“Being such a short track, the new format is aimed to give everyone a bit of space on the circuit to get their best lap possible. Congestion here with 26 cars can be a bit hectic, and again with it being such a short track, there is no room for errors. I’m excited to see if it brings some mixed results tomorrow, as it will provide a new kind of challenge for teams and drivers. Watch this space!”


Saturday 7th April

11:05-11:25 – Practice Three

12:55-13:05 – Qualifying Part One

13:10-13:20 – Qualifying Part Two

13:25-13:35 – Qualifying Part Three

16:45-17:40 – Race Seven – 120kms / 50 Laps

Sunday 8th April

9:55-10:15 – Practice Four

11:05-11:15 – Qualifying Part One

11:20-11:30 – Qualifying Part Two

11:35-11:45 – Qualifying Part Three

14:05-15:30 – Race Eight – 200kms / 84 Laps


Saturday 7th April

9:10-9:40 – Super Track Walk @ Starting Grid

14:45-15:15 – Team CoolDrive Stand @ Merchandise Alley

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