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Loyalty & Longevity Recognised by CoolDrive

8 Aug, 2018

In this age of high employment mobility, the long-term loyalty and contributions of employees has been recognised by CoolDrive Auto Parts’ in recent inductions into its ‘Hall of Fame’.

Presented at Melbourne’s Rendezvous Hotel in late July at CoolDrive’s annual Branch of the Year Awards night, the Hall of Fame acknowledges the efforts of individuals in the business.

“CoolDrive’s philosophy is that we are a collective team and that we work together for everyone’s mutual benefit, but we still think it is still important to recognise and reward individual achievement,” CoolDrive Auto Parts’ CEO John Blanchard said.

“Our ‘Hall of Fame’ was first presented in 2017 and its aim is to acknowledge that individual achievement.

“Given the transient nature of today’s workforce, we feel that length of service is worthy of recognition, so too is the contribution to the company, meritorious service and attitude.

“All those factors combined this year to give us three worthy inductees.”

In front of 120 guests at the presentation evening, including senior CoolDrive management, branch managers, suppliers and company guests, the three employees joined the Hall of Fame for 2018, after five had been initially inducted in 2017.

Twenty-eight year company veteran Wayne Hunter, a senior rep in Brisbane, joined the Hall of Fame, as did Brisbane Branch Manager Paul Marcuzzi, who has been with CoolDrive for 16 years.

The third inductee was Gerald Van Der Hout, another 16 year company veteran, who was formerly the Sydney branch manager and is now Project Manager.

“Wayne, Paul and Gerald have made an enormous contribution to CoolDrive over many, many years, and we were delighted to be able to recognise that in front of their peers,” John Blanchard said.

“Being inducted into the CoolDrive Hall of Fame is an honour that stands forever, it’s not an annual recognition of achievement, so we think it’s something very special for the recipients.”

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