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CoolDrive Honours Star Performers

8 Aug, 2018

The geographic diversity of the CoolDrive Auto Parts network was highlighted by the company’s recent Branch of the Year Awards.

Presented at the Rendezvous Hotel in Melbourne in late July, the Awards were shared with the CoolDrive branches from Albury (NSW) and Melbourne (VIC), while the new regional award went to the Western Australia/South Australia region.

The Awards night was attended by around 120 guests including senior CoolDrive management, branch managers, suppliers and company guests.

CoolDrive’s Branch of the Year Awards are based on a number of criteria measuring the performance of its 33 branches in Australia and New Zealand, including revenue against sales budgets and other qualifying criteria the company considers key to a high performing business.

Winner of the SL (Shirley) Blanchard Branch of the Year Award for turnover below $5m went to the Albury branch, accepted by Branch Manager Neil Dipple. Runner up was Smeaton Grange in Sydney, accepted by Branch Manager Jason Calleja.

Albury had also been runner up in 2017.

“Our Branch Awards are an absolute highlight of CoolDrive’s year,” CoolDrive Auto Parts CEO John Blanchard said.

“It’s a great opportunity to recognise collective and individual achievement, of course, but just as importantly, to have our people come together to swap ideas, discuss developments and enjoy each other’s company.

“NSW branches came to the fore this year in the under $5m category, and seeing the Albury branch succeed was just reward for the team there after narrowly missing out last year.”

Winner of the WJ (John Senior) Blanchard Branch of the Year Award for turnover above $5m went to the Melbourne branch, accepted by Ash Fullarton. Runner up was the Alexandria branch, accepted by Branch Manager John Dacciaro.

Melbourne had been runner up in 2015, while Alexandria had been runner up in both 2015 and 2016.

“In the over $5m category, another Sydney branch, Alexandria, was pipped at the post by the Melbourne Branch … both have been consistently strong performers over a number of years,” John Blanchard said.

A new Award this year was the JW (John) Blanchard Region of the Year Award, named after CoolDrive CEO John Blanchard, which was presented to Gary Lings, Regional Manager for Western Australia/South Australia.

“Individual branch performance is very important to the business of course, but we also wanted to recognise outstanding performance in our regions, so it’s great to be able to present this inaugural Award to WA/SA,” John Blanchard said.

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