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CoolDrive Awards Top Branches

13 Oct, 2020

CoolDrive Auto Parts has recognised its top-performing branch teams for 2020 at its annual Branch Manager Conference.

Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, this year’s conference was held virtually, with over 50 people tuning in from across Australia and New Zealand, including the senior leadership team, branch managers, regional managers and product team managers.

“The 2020 Branch Manager Conference was definitely something different. Originally the conference was meant to be held in Bali, which wasn’t possible due to COVID-19, therefore we had to get creative,” said John Blanchard, CoolDrive Auto Parts CEO.

“Full credit goes to the organising team for bringing together such an immersive experience, with many technological elements. Despite being apart, it still felt like we were together, where we could reflect on the challenges of this year, as well as discuss future plans to grow the CoolDrive business.”

Three awards were presented during the virtual conference. Named after key company founders and personnel, and measured on several performance criteria, the CoolDrive Branch of the Year awards are split into revenue turnover and regional categories.

The winner of the WJ (John Senior) Blanchard Branch of the Year award for turnover over $5 million was 2019’s runner-up, Queensland’s Townsville branch, which was followed by the Hallam branch in Victoria.

Winner of the SL (Shirley) Blanchard Branch of the Year award for turnover under $5 million was Western Australia’s Wangara branch, with second place going to the Toowoomba branch in Queensland.

The top-performing region was Queensland/Northern Territory, which received the JW (John) Blanchard Award for Region of the Year.

The theme of the virtual conference event was “Bali” with participants dressing in their most colourful Balinese inspired shirts and memorabilia, in recognition of the Conference’s original location.

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