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Supporting Grasswroots Rugby League in Darwin

15 Jan, 2024

or the past eight years, CoolDrive Auto Parts has been proudly supporting the Palmerston Raiders Rugby League club in Darwin. With over 30 teams ranging from the Under 6s to senior men and women, the club has a total of 500 players and 1,300 registered members.

Every year, CoolDrive provides water bottles for the team, ensuring that the players stay refreshed and hydrated during their games and training sessions.

I have been coaching the Palmerston Raiders for 11 years, starting as a coach for the Under 6 age group and moving up with the same group of kids to coach now what is the Under 16s, leading them to four premierships, including the latest one in 2023.

Last year, John Blanchard - CoolDrive Auto Parts CEO, was in Darwin for the Supercars round and after the race, he asked me about my plans for the evening. I mentioned that I had a home game at the club and would be attending. Without hesitation, John expressed his desire to join us, being eager to experience the team he had heard so much about and witness its magic first hand.

When John arrived at our club, John was gifted a club shirt as a token of appreciation. We then made our way to the grandstand to watch the main game. It was there that John couldn’t help but notice the sponsor signs, including the CoolDrive Auto Parts sign, adorning the fence.

This observation sparked a conversation about the benefits sponsors receive in return for their support. The discussion slowly shifted towards the club’s colours (being green and black) and the HULK 4X4 brand, with everyone agreeing that it could be a powerful synergy.

That one evening at the Palmerston Raiders Rugby League Club left a permanent impression on John. Observing the camaraderie, the enjoyment of families, and the dedication of the players and coaches, he knew he wanted to play a bigger role in supporting our club for the upcoming year.

When the time came to lock in sponsors for this year, I reached out to John to touch base with him. During a Skype video call, John was not only willing to support the club and as a pure coincidence, he was actually wearing the club shirt he had been gifted, which was pretty cool!

The Palmerston Raiders Rugby League club extends its heartfelt appreciation to the CoolDrive family for its support and involvement in fostering a true family club that not only celebrates the sport but also provides a sense of belonging and community for our members.


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